Jubilee Book Dedicated to Professor Wojciech Popiołek


30 June 2017

In the part entitled Prawo Zobowiązań [Law of Obligations], the jubilee book dedicated to Professor Wojciech Popiołek entitled Rozprawy z prawa prywatnego [Discourses on Private Law], published by Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer Polska and edited by Professor Dr hab. Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk, Professor of the University of Silesia Dr hab. Monika Jagielska, and Professor of the University of Silesia Dr hab. Maciej Szpunar, contains a paper by Professor of Jagiellonian University Dr hab. Andrzej Kubas, partner at Kubas Kos Gałkowski, entitled Przedmiotowe i podmiotowe granice ugody sądowej [Objective and Subjective Limits of an In-Court Settlement].

The book was published to commemorate the birthday as well as Professor’s 40th anniversary of conferment of the title of Doctor of Legal Science. The publication consists of a collection of essays discussing the latest trends in private international law, law of obligations, commercial law, arbitration, intellectual property, inheritance law, substantive law, and procedural law.

We encourage you to read the book and we provide the link to the first pages of the work.